Browse our frequently asked questions
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Popular questions
What are your opening hours and contact numbers?
How do I cancel my car insurance?
How do I login to Your Account?
What if I don't want to renew my car insurance?
How do I contact the car breakdown company?
How do I make changes to my car insurance?
I've bought a new car, how do I update my car insurance?
Will my car insurance automatically renew?
We're here to help if you need
We all need extra help and support at times. If you have a disability, a physical or mental health condition, or need extra support because your circumstances have changed, we may be able to help.
Easily manage your insurance with Your Account
- Make changes to your insurance 24/7
- Manage new and existing claims
- See all your insurance documents
- Control your payments
![A mobile phone displaying the 1st Central logo](/images/features/mobile.png)